Last weekend, Jess had a party invitation to all 50 of us to her Colourful Rainbow High Tea Party at Scott Garden in conjunction with My Bazzar.
Look how colourful we were! With Elise, Sharon, Yi Wern and myself!
Goddie bag and contest prizes by Maybelline!
We had a fun time with Jess, over high tea and game session also get to see a make up tutorial! Here’s Yukiko and Choulyin picking out the items to pair together 10 items for purple team!
So I became the model and together with other colour teams models. Look how colour synchronized we are! Blue, Green, myself in Purple, Yellow and Red! We had to do a catwalk too!
We had a second game too, which was creative make up! So we had a meow, cute!
As for our purple team, we did some patterns around the eyes. Yukiko did the make up for me and I did some touch up. It was a fun session, as we struggle to mix and match products with only 10 minutes to finish up the make up. Our purple team won!
Make up tutorial by Su Ying on Jess on how to blend the latest runway look to reality.
Group Photo with colourful balloons!
Thanks to official photographer Tian Chad for the vibrant colourful photos!
Amelialing-May Ling says
is a wonderful colourful awesomeful where everyone gets fullllllllllllllllllll…. 🙂
Jess says
yay thanks to you all. i made it !!! Glad all of you happy & enjoy the day !! Lots of kisses for u!
HenRy Lee says
wahhh u all so kalerful! 😛
Shannon Chow says
Thank you Ms. Event Manager for making part of this possible! Fun party!
Shannon Chow says
Thanks Jess for hosting it! We had fun! 😀 Girls time!
Shannon Chow says
YES!!!! Like rainbow! 😉
Choulyin Tan says
wah our group photo so cute!!!! and Purple team FTW!!! 😀
sherrygo says
Wow u know my first time here, like your blog so much many pics to see hehe.. I am new follower