My convocation was last Sunday on 13 February! Officially graduated from Diploma in Business =)

You know when your young and you dream of yourself in a Convocation it feels exciting and all? well now actually going thru it and thinking back on all the exams, assignments, coursework to complete you feel like it was such a long journey to finally reach and graduated on time without any delays at all!

my course mates! Only half turn up on convocation and well only half of the class graduated as some were still in other semesters. It felt abit weird to see such little people. Nevertheless we’re still super proud and happy to finally completed the course!

Group photo with other Graduates. My course are in Blue as you can spot it we’re so little as compare to others.

and say YEAH!!! can you spot me? I’m with my Big smile!

with Sharon and Serene

our DIB 2008 August Intake

with Hafiz and Syaf

owh and the wonderful dudes my Seniors! They look like happily married …lolx

with Teddy

My family
Grandma, Daddy, me, Mummy and my uncle (When I was age 2 or so…I went to his convocation in University Malaya) lolx
Grandma, Daddy, me, Mummy and my uncle (When I was age 2 or so…I went to his convocation in University Malaya) lolx


And thanks to Feeq for taking photos of my convo.
and Thanks for those who came to my Convo! It’s my Happy Day! =)
and Thanks for those who came to my Convo! It’s my Happy Day! =)
♥ Subscribe to ShannonChow.com and Follow me on Twitter @ShannonChowz. XOXO
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