As a young working adult, time is a scarce resources. It’s a blessing to have sufficient sleep and time spent together with family and friends. Over the past few months, I’ve stopped blogging. It wasn’t just an emotional breakdown, but more of seeking the reason why I should continue blogging. After 2 months into my new job now, I’m able to manage work and time better. I started to make time for blogging.
Why continue you may ask? Many have heard of the perks bloggers get, well the reason I continue to blog isn’t just about the perks such as gifts or advertorials. The benefit of blogging is the main reason why I continued to blog.
1. Personal Portfolio
Blogging had open up doors into my career. While I was in Diploma, I aspire to be a marketer, but in the industry the role of a marketer isn’t defined, there’s so much to learn and know to be a good marketer or at least successfully launch a new campaign. Through blogging I’ve gotten some good recommendations.
2. Technical Knowledge
By managing my own blog, knowledge I didn’t knew would be useful in my future career came in handy. Over the past 5 years in blogging, I’ve changed multiple blog design and layout, which I’ve learnt basic HTML and CSS. Not to mention doing some research on user experience. From Blogspot to WordPress I am able to familiarize myself with the two platforms and managing plugins as well as hosting my site. These are added advantage on my resume.
3. Building Networks
Blogging enables you to go out and meet new people. During events I get to meet many interesting individuals, such as other bloggers, PR, brand managers and business owners etc. Friendships have also been built and as I enjoy business, at times discussing marketing topics and brainstorming have been insightful to me. My interpersonal and communication skills have improved as well.
4. Writing skills
With the short text and constant 140 characters on twitter, at times I find it hard to construct a proper sentence. Through blogging I would force myself to write to improve on my sentences and paragraphs. Not perfect but it will get better.
5. Getting the news
In blogging, prior to any product launches you and the press could be the first to get the news. It could be an event invitation or press releases. Although the emails never stops, I get the first hand information on any brand or product launching. It may not be useful to some, but for me these are info.
6. Product testing
Through blogging depends on which niche you are in, majority of blogs falls under the category of lifestyle. We get tons of products to review at times you may feel like you are a product tester before reviewing a new product. As a girl, it’s fun exploring these new products ranging from cosmetics, beauty product, spas, facials, tech gadgets, trips and many more. Personally for me, I am able to idenfy and learn about products that works for my sepcific needs without having to discover and do my own research. Each product review, information and the trial set/products is provided, as a consumer this helped me in choosing the best product when I need to purchase.
7. Touching hearts
On the net as I’m able to reach out to many, I feel blessed being able to touch someone’s heart and in return inspire me to go on. It certainly felt great to receive comments and email on those rare occasion mentioning that my article or recommendation have helped solved their problems.
You may be amazed at these non-monetary benefits, but I’ll share with you that blogging is a personal development; over the years you’ll see how much you and your blog have grew. I’ve heard friends mentioned that they are envy of my lifestyle, going for events and getting freebies. Some highlighted they should start a blog too, well by all means you may. But please be warned that you should not start a blog because of the perks, start blogging because you really want to and have a plan to do so.
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