I had my very first plate of Teppanyaki in Sungai Wang about 15 years or so ago. It’s been a long while yet coming back to this old place brings back good memories.
The best part, this is by far the best Teppanyaki outlet in terms of their food standard.
Green tea comes with a pot. I was surprised at their good service. Usually, we got a hard time asking the waiters to refill our green tea.
A plate of the classic Chicken Teppanyaki, RM 9.90. Fried garlic is the best.
Pub-S1 2nd Floor,
Sungei Wang Plaza,
Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: +6 03 2148 9840
Ah.. my aunt’s restaurant.. I liked that restaurant very much, much more than I like that aunt.. hahhaa