It’s my first week of internship with Groupon Malaysia. Making myself comfy and cozy in the office and lots of random fun stuff happens during working hours
I’m with a team of very dynamic and passionate Grouplets/Grouponers for Groupon and the experience for just one week feels like I’ve been there for a month. Everything is very fast pace and I don’t mind even working after working hours at times as many others does that to as emails were even sent out by groups of people at late night, you won’t get the lonely feeling as we’re working as a team.
It’s Christmas Time and Christmas decos are up in the office plus, I’ve got my Christmas present from Groupon! It’s an Intern Mug very thoughtful
In the office, You will have a Secret Santa for everyone and they will drop you notes and sweet stuff secretly so you’ve gotta guess who’s your secret santa or wait till it’s reveal during the Christmas Party on last friday! So my Sexy Secret Santa gave me Starbucks goodies , knowing I love coffee and Starbucks, to keep me warm and fuzzy in the office! She’s very sweet
The Group Photo! We look like a giant Christmas tree!
Stay tune on Intern-at-Groupon for more post on my internship with Groupon Malaysia.
Follow my twitter timeline @shannonchowz for live updates of any random stuff in the office
wow.. big family!! enjoy your intern life!!
the group is BIG!
wow groupon has soooooo many crew! enjoy your internship there!
Pretty cool to intern there!
wow, groupon, have fun interning there yo!
Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blog Awards 2011
Yeap quite a big family. Thanks
Yeap! We can Expand too! :p