Are you excited for 2013? Cause I am.
To welcome 2013, starting a fresh new year, my humble little princess room had gone some major revamp. Turning from Red & Yellow decor to Pink and White with everything lovely and girly.
Here’s my study or work station.
Most of my stuffs I got it from Daiso for only RM 5 per item and furnitures mainly from IKEA.
I’ve also changed my macbook cover to PINK got the cover from Singapore for about RM 40 only.
The Hello Kitty table lamp has been with me since… 2001 I think it’s been a really long time and it’s still functioning well and I’ve only changed the bulb once.
Effile tower is from Paris that fluffy got for me.
Le bed. I’m still looking around for bed sheets. Waiting for IKEA’s new design hopefully.
Side table. I diy the photo frame as and placed two sides with different Keep Calm statements.
The Wardrobe. It’s reaching it’s full capacity soon…
This is how I store my accessories now. For space consumption and to avoid dust. I store my accessories especially necklaces and bracelets in small plastic bag.
I still display my earrings and some new necklaces on the pin board. The lace earring pin board I DIY-ed it myself and if your keen to try it out I’ve did a post here.
See the empty spot above my mirror? I’ve yet to find any nice canvas paintings to fill the gap.
Make up brushes and daily essentials are stored here.
So that’s the end for my little room tour. Hope you like it and perhaps got inspired to deco your room. 
That’s all. I’m gonna be busy unwrapping all this stuff from Cotton On that had arrived earlier today. New paris calendar and lots of clothes, accessories and flats.
So nicely organised. me likey!!! hehehe the room is just so you.. pink, white, neat and simplicity
thanks Jess! Hehe I’m loving it too.
OMG! I love your room a lot. It’s so neat!!!
Thanks Jerine!
well small room I’ve got so I try to get some Tumblr feel in here