Finally would be the word. Yeah!

it’s not about getting the paper certificate. It’s about a journey you’ve walked for a while ago till now. It has come to an end while you start on your New Journey, a new path bringing all the experience you have when walking the old path. The experience that nobody can take away from you – things you go thru.

look at our happy faces form the ex-Student Council 2010/2011! Along with some of the New Student Council 2011/2012 members! *grins*

theex-EXCOs…from the right – left
Khuan Yew (a very perfectionist secretary, helpful, friendly and one of the best)
Sim (a dedicated President, change maker, excellent leader and sometimes funny yet always in control)
ME! (vice president, … i’ve got nothing to say about myself. gotta leave it to the rest to comment ^^)
Shimana (our financial controller the Treasurer and our Council Mummy)
Khuan Yew (a very perfectionist secretary, helpful, friendly and one of the best)
Sim (a dedicated President, change maker, excellent leader and sometimes funny yet always in control)
ME! (vice president, … i’ve got nothing to say about myself. gotta leave it to the rest to comment ^^)
Shimana (our financial controller the Treasurer and our Council Mummy)

Student Council (Girls only) zone.

another group picture with everyone! Ex-council members and New council members! wootx

Excos this time with our advisor Mr Ronson in the middle! =)

Fuiyoh! Just pure Happy! Relief of the pressure and stress.but… I didn’t say am gonna stop right here when council ended, it’s another new path to make an impact! I can say we’re all glad Taylor’s Lakeside was a better place now than before we step in as Student Council, many improvements had been made though some are not as easy to implement. We look forward to the new student council members wishing a successful year ahead for them and we’ll be supporting them always.
as for me. Besides assignments for now… focusing on my future path and making an impact along the way 😉
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