My first countdown was for 2011 in Curve with Danny. Awesome rite the Fireworks, there’s a different feeling of waiting for it rather than it just appear. As well I now understand it do means something when you end the year and start it with someone. Its a very awesome and interesting not to mention special 2011 for a start! Am turning Twenty One this year as well 😉
I had a wonderful dinner with Family in Victoria Station as well, though the food was not as great as those days but it’s the company that your with counts. I’m also sick down with flu but look am still good!
What I left behind 2010 and carry on to 2011
I left what was not so good and what drained me or limited me. Besides that the love died or rather left but I believe it’s a good start for me. I’m starting this year single as my previous relationship was rather bumpy yet tiring. People say that’s life sometimes but it’s a different experience I believe. I no longer see why I should stuck up for him and keep carrying him rather than go on out there further jump alittle to explore more things out there in the world rather than having to always look after him. Don’t get me wrong but I won’t mind looking after a dude but a dude who just know all about negativity and know little of what you are capable of doing and enjoy doing really isn’t what you like to be around with especially not on your Twenty One year of Life! From my point of view, Life has up’s and downs and there will always be and You just gotta face it by yourself with God or whoever who supports you but the key person is still Yourself. It’s been assured by Gulliver Travel as well, so this time around when I say am leaving you, I’ve already left you actually. I choose to act instead of say what my actions were as I tend to always be soft hearted and stay on by your side when I wanted to leave the rainy day seems to come always…Plus I’ve made a few mental notes as well I’m gonna kick away those bad habits! New Year Resolutions? Nope I’ve haven’t written down any yet but will do so as some are already in my head 😉
I carried on 2010 to 2011 of knowledge, wisdom and experiences. It’s gonna be a very Interesting and exciting 2011 as even just on 1st Jan 2011, many changes happened as well I’m also selected to be in the semi finalist of Project One and Only!
happy new year ! 2011 !Gulliver’s travel is a fun movie !!hahha ~~ 😀
Happy new year.. =D